Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

National Assembly for Wales

Y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Ymchwiliad I wasanaethau Nyrsio Cymunedol a Nyrsio Adal

Inquiry into Community and District Nursing services


Ymateb gan unigolyn

Evidence from an individual

1. Senior Nurses are being reduced & teams are merging. Teams are then covering larger areas & run by less senior staff. Staff nurses at Band 5 are expected to cover in the senior band 6 or 7 in their absence plus do their own work of clinical skills. HCA are restricted due to skills, extending their role would be helpful.

2. Time to care for pt is now stretched as we are required to cover areas from 8am to 8pm with no extra staff, hence by extending our working days leaves a hours covered by less staff.

3. No Admin support, this is added to our working day.

4.No Handheld devices. We have to travel to base to complete online activities  & referrals.

5. What would help in our job would be the training of new members to have  the right balance of skill mix. Working alone you need to be fully skilled.